
Monday, July 1, 2013

How to judge a man's sex style in seconds

First dates are a chance to get to know someone new, figure out if you want to see them again and, potentially, meet the love of your life. But apparently they can also be used to analyse whether or not the guy sitting opposite you is going to be great in bed.
Everyone loves getting to know someone, but apparently chatting with a man doesn't just reveal your compatibility levels or a few key personality traits - it'll also showcase his sex style.
"If they talk in a monotone and change facial expressions once an hour, they’re flat-lining. Low enthusiasm means they’ll be boring in bed as well. The person who throws their arms in the air at dinner, nearly knocking over the waiter, is full of life and passion. If they can get that worked up out of the bedroom, just think what they'll be like in it!"

"Where they choose to sit when you’re out for a drink or dinner is another giveaway. If they choose the seat facing you and the wall instead of the prime people-watching position, you’re onto a winner."
Yup, having a man choose the seat which faces you, and only you, is a VERY good sign when it comes to predicting his bedroom style - and the reason, when you think about it, is pretty obvious.
"The more their focus is entirely on you, the more they can remain in the moment when you’re alone."