
Friday, September 14, 2012

La Soiree Blanche; Issac

I know I was so busy on that night, I forgot to say Hellos to a few people!

I want to thank Calvin and my little brother Wyatt for coming to the fashion show. I want to thank Derek, Jeffrey and John for taking their time off to watch me walk on the runway! 

I want to say hello to my TAIWAN blog readers who came to support me! Thank you Joseph, Mei wan, Thaddues Foo and Friva for coming all the way from Taiwan just to support me in this fashion show!

I want to thank all the photographers for shooting me when I was on the runway!

I want to thank Clarence Chan for coming.

I want to thank Christina and Winston for coming down to support the fashion show.

I know there's like many more, so THANK YOU EVERYONE!