Jump Issac, reach for the stars....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I Am Reaching For The Stars
Jump Issac, reach for the stars....
A week ago, Eric and I went to watch, 'Knowing' at The Cathay.
I somehow felt that Hollywood movies are always right on the track of warning us how much harm we have done to earth or probably those meteriods in space travelling at the right coordinates to hit earth and leaving us dead. Oh well.
Along the streets of Parklane, there are these POMO designs which I found rather weird-looking.
The Myth About Working
Thus, it leaves one with 183 days to work. minus 52 sundays and minus another 52 saturdays as well, that would leave one with 79 days to work.
3 hours each day are set aside for eating, and 1 hour for bathing, toilet visitations. that would add up to approximately 60 days, which means there's only 19 days for working.
One's usually entitled to 14 days for vacations, that means one would have only 5 days left for your work. minus away another 4 days one usually takes off due to illnesses or other emergencies, and that would leave one with only one day to work, which happens to be labour day, which is a holiday.
so, why am I still tired?
Star Awards; Best Supporting Actress 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Duh And Boom Away
How could I make such a blunder? LOL.
I was so gittery I forgot everyone around me and what I wanted to say.
Because I was sick and unprepared.
Still, I wanted a redemption. Today, I gave my 190% at the sales floor today, clinching the top sales for overall and aroma.
I beat Bugis's overall performance for the aroma and manage to beat their record of 11 by hitting 13.
I don't like to lose. No way.
But oh god, thinking back to the meeting, I think I made a utter fool of myself. Duh!
I feel like shouting.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Unexpected Win
Joanne Peh won the best actress award instead of Chen Liping who was nominated twice in that category and everyone's prediction for Ou Xuan to win.
The other shell-shocker was the two wins for best supporting actress category. After Xiang Yun's name was announced, they called out the second winner which was Ng Hui.
What a suprising turn of event.
This year only two princesses did not make it to top 10 most popular actress; Fiona Xie and Dawn Yeoh.
Sad, Fiona's popularity is nose-diving.
I called one of them to congratulate on their win and the other to console.
Pat, next year, can try again.
Be My 160th
Be the 160th person to sign my guestbook.
I Wonder
P/S: Now I am down with a flu.
I Date A 42 Years Old
I was seated just across her. She winked at me and then shifted to sit beside me. "My name is Cindy. What's yours?"
"Lovely name. By the way, I hope you don't mind my age." she said.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"42 this year." She replied.
And then she kissed me on the cheeks.
I smiled and kissed her too.
And then I realized it was just a freaking dream. I woke up crying.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas
And now she is going to release another new fabulous song. This is just a trailer but its freaking awesome.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Plans For The Remaining Months of 2009
Buy Gucci Messenger Bag
Breed an Animal (Cat/Rabbit/Dog/Chincilla)
June 2009 ;
- Go Kuala Lumpur (3 Days, 2 Nights)
- Celebrate 24th Birthday
- Reservist
Oct 2009;
- Go Thailand (7 Days, 6 Nights)
Nov 2009;
- Cruise (2 Days, 1 Night)
There could be more but I can't really remember.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I Question God
Watch this video then you will know what I am talking about.
God gave her the best talent ever and that is her voice. She can sing DAMN well. But, in terms of her appearance, she is just like any typical women in her late 40s.
Did you watch the part when everyone had doubts in her. Everyone did not like her. But as soon as she opened her mouth, the crowds went wild.
Some people are born with the looks, but they do not have talents.
Some people are not born with the looks, but they have special talents.
And there's only a minority that has the looks and special talents.
Some people with looks abuses their power to get higher in society.
Some people use their talents to get higher in life.
Is life fair? Is God fair?
I was in the darkness, I was out in the cold. Seems nothing could heal this
hole in my soul, you reached out your arms to me held out your heart to me,
pulled me back from the edge. Thought I reached thee end.
These short abbreviations are killing me. I am not a short abbreviation kind of guy. I figured them out only after my sister told me what they mean.
IDK = I Don't Know.
The first few times my friends messaged me that, I was like, 'What the hell are you talking about". But I just go with the flow and said OK.
And then there's TTYL. Talk to you later.
And the IDRCWYAS. "I Don't really care what you are saying".
Now its all about short abbreviations.
Ok la, since everyone is going with the flow, I shall do the same too.
Genting Trip; Last Day
We were contemplating on whether to have our dosage of coffees at Old Town or should we rather stick to where we were.
In the end, we still ended up having coffee at old town!
Before we boarded the bus, we ate waffles, lol!.
Oh, I hated the bus journey back because it was travelling at a fast speed. Not that it was a bad thing but when the bus was at the slopes going down, it was still speeding. That made me nauseous.
When we were at one of the pit-stops, I got down, went to the toilet and vomitted out all the food I ate previously.
Mosaic 2009
Then there was this persistent sales lady who wanted me to buy their chocolates. 1 packet for $5. I was like, "Ok lor..."
Then we proceeded to watch the live band.
Nehnehpok! I tried to take photos of them but the botak guy kept on moving.
Want to know what's one of my greatest wishes?
To own a cottage by the lake.
So that I can spend my time with my other half, watching the sunrise and the sunset, watching the days gone by.
p/s: I want to write stories again like I used to before when I was 15.
Loving Someone For Who He/She Is
No communication, No effort, No mutual understanding. No intelligence to think. No compassion to feel.
That is why it is neccessary for both parties have mutual understandings, and put in effort to know each other better.
There's not a need to put in effort to love the other party better because it is suppose to be effortless.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ashlee Simpson's Drunk At MacDonald
Ashlee is just like Britney.
She lip-sync in front of thousands. She was booed.
She got drunk and made a public scene at Macdonalds.
And to think that I used to like her.
Wriggle Beauty
Being Sick Is Good
Shedding away the negativity from you.
And then you will feel like you are a new person.
Is it true? - I don't know.
But what I know is that I feel really bland right now. No life. It's like I am missing out at a whole lot of things.
When I am sick, I feel weak. I feel meaningless.
When I am sick, I feel like a wiener.
No energy.
And best still, I can't go out during my off days.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
No Voice
I am too tired to blog.
It's like I have become a mute.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Mistakes are being committed but time doesn't allow us to go back in time. But what time can give us is a span of time to do up another proposal and prevent us from making the same mistakes again.
So the question is,
Are you with or against time?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
In The Train
And now I am blogging in the train using my laptop. How Fascinating. Of course, by doing this, -using my laptop in the train, isn't by any means boasting to others.
I just needed to blog.
I am now on my way to catch a late night movie at Tiong Bahru Plaza. I wanted to watch, 'Knowing', for a very long time already. Finally, I get to watch it.
Ah, you know what? - I just gave up my seat to an elderly despite having to carry a bag in one hand and a laptop in another.
Damn, I am still blogging even when I am standing.
Oh well, I got to go for now. I can't balance myself.
The Evil Bunnies
It started off with a 'BAM', and then a silence. I stood at the top of the building, looking around, feeling lost. I walked till the skies grew darker. Then I heard noises again. This time it was subtle.
Then I saw from a distance, someone wearing white jumping and jumping non-stop. There were more of them as seconds passed by.
As they got nearer, I realized they were bunnies. Their faces covered with blood, and they had fangs. They hopped nearer to me.
And then I saw a huge clock. It was 10 minutes before midnight.
I heard a voice, "You have 10 minutes to live as for earth will disintegrate when its midnight."
I looked around and asked myself, "Am I the only human here? Where's everyone? Or have they transformed into evil bunnies already?
One of the bunnies tried to claw me and then tried to bite me. But I dodged and escaped.
2 minutes left.
I saw huge flames of fire. Really huge. The fire engulfed everything around it.
I was so scared.
Was I in hell already?
I couldn't take it anymore.
The finale; I remembered I whipped out of dick and masturbated. And the bunnies watched and said, "it's not going to help."
Soon, I was burnt by the huge fire.
Terrible Flu
Terrible flu.
Damn you flu!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mobile Blogging
I am trying it out now and it seems fun.
What is not fun right now is, ...
There is still 2 - 3 hours more before this fight ends.
Curtain Call
Ayumi Hamasaki makes me remember my good old innocent days.
Ayumi Hamasaki reminded me of how simple but interesting my life was back then.
Those were the days when I don't have to worry alot. I went out alot. To East Coast. To the beach. Having picnics. Potlucks. Botanic Gardens. Lie down on the grass. Cycling. PLaying in the rain.
Now its work and its routine life.
Ayumi Hamasaki keeps me saint at times.
Curtain Call. This video of her reminded me of some of her videos she did in 2001 and 2002.
At a point of time, maybe at a crossroad, you tend to stop and looked back. Those memories will gush in and remind you of what you were before you change into another person.
Back then, everything was simple.
We need not worry about what we wear.
We need not worry about the friends we made.
We had alot of places to ease our worry. But now all we see are buildings after buildings.
Now its all about Gucci.
Now its all about L.V.
Now its all about the friends we make.
Now its all about Orchard and the high life.
Everything's complicated.
There's Friendster.
There's MySpace.
There's Youtube.
There's Blogger.
These are the fastest ways of spreading malicious gossips, making friends, meeting up with people, gaining fame, gaining monetary means, ganing popularity.
All that simplicity is gone.
Have the world change drastically?
Most importantly, have you changed?
I think I have.
But I want to experience the past once again.
Lip-Syncing Too Much
But when he fall off stage, it was obvious.
His voice was still heard even though the mic wasn't near him as he fell.
LIP-SYNC! Worst than Ashlee Simpson. He went back up to the stage and continued lip-syncing.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Genting Trip; Day 2
On the second day, we watched 2 fas 2 furious 4. It wasn't my cup of tea but nevertheless, it was a good movie.
After that we went to Pizza Hut.
I bought starbucks coffee and nasi lemak for supper.