
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

POV: Point Of View

Over the years a lot of people in my life have come to me for advice about a multitude of things and in the past I asked them why.

Why me? (I used to be very insecure, I needed to know these things) My friends came to me because they knew I was insightful, perceptive and observant.

They knew that I wouldn’t judge them and that I was a good listener. I think that combination made them feel safe with confiding in me. What I think makes me good at giving advice is the fact that I don’t look at it strictly from your POV, I put myself in the other person’s shoes about 98% of the time and I think that to give good advice you need to be able to know how to do that.

I don’t know if that makes me a good advice passer-outer in your eyes, but my closest family and friends trust me so that’s something. It’s not a trait most people have nowadays.