
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This Oddity

Sometimes, on long public journeys involving vast amounts of trains, buses and taxis, I begin thinking. Not that I don't think to begin with, but this kind of thinking is more focused and precise.

The steady dribble of memories disturb me vastly, far more than I let on. Mentally, my hands yank the tap shut, only for the pipe to burst.

Of course, all this happens internally. If I were to let it show, I might be packed neatly into a package addressed for the nearest mental institution.

Can't describe this oddity.

Maybe I think it's me just wanting to type some kinda post before this blog fades into 'oblivion'.

I've lost and thought I reclaimed, but yet it slipped outta my grasp again. Heck, I'm even phrasing my sentences as if I'm chatting to someone on the other side of the screen.

Can't be a writer this way.

Well, I don't exactly care - this is my blog. Someplace to air my views, thoughts, memories and mourning. Hell, that's what I thought anyway.

Before, this blog used to attract an exclusive group of people. No strangers knew of this barely-alive electronic diary, (found out I can't seem to differentiate dairy and diary) and it was frequented by friends.

Word got out, I suppose, and this thing expanded slightly. My blobs were spread throughout the internet and certain individuals attempted to market these blobs as their own.

I got mad. I stopped them. Temporarily. And then the motivation returned with full gusto and I was off again, formulating entries with the force of a magnificent steam engine.

Somewhere along the line, something happened. I realised there were too many unknowns peering into my blog, into my daily life. Putting a password would annoy my friends and setting restrictions would restrict those without a blog account.

So I jammed a stopper into my word bottle.

I've given up on a lot of things in life. For safety, mostly.

But I'll never give up on this squalid, dusty shelter. Wherein most of my most creative outbursts are kept, stale and still slightly warm. They quiver sometimes, hoping I'll add a new one to the collection.

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